Colon Hydrotherapy

Feel Healthier, Vibrant, Lighter & Slimmer!

Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon Hydrotherapy is often referred to as a colonic or as colon irrigation. A soothing flow of filtered, ultra violet purified warm water is instilled gently into the colon through a disposable nozzle that is inserted into the rectum to gently cleanse the contents of the lower colon. The system has been designed to allow the evacuation of the contents of the colon during the session. The pressure, temperature, and flow of water can be safely regulated throughout the session by the client. Colon Hydrotherapy is very clean and most relaxing and is one of the most effective ways to holistically detox, cleanse and hydrate your body.

The History of Colon Hydrotherapy

The historians tell us that the practice of Colon Hydrotherapy, or, in it’s most basic form, the enema was passed down from the Gods to the Egyptians. In the 5th century Herodotus wrote: “The Egyptians clear themselves on 3 consecutive days, every month, seeking after health by emetics (to induce vomiting) and enemas for they think that all disease comes to man from his food”

Use of the enema was not limited to the Egyptians – the Greeks and the Romans also contributed to the history of the enema. First Hippocrates, the well-known Greek physician, recorded using enemas for fever therapy. Then the Roman physician, Asclepiades of Bithynia (who is credited with establishing medicine in Rome) used the enema for fevers and intestinal worms.

During the Middle Ages the use of the enema became the popular vogue of the wealthy and even reached to the highest levels of royalty!

In 1480, Louis XI was such a huge advocate of enemas (aka clysters) that he even has his dogs clysterised!

The 17th century became known as “the age of the enema” or “the age of clysters”. It was the fashion in Parisian society to enjoy as many as three or four enemas a day. The clyster reached the height of its fashionableness in the early years of the reign of Louis XIV who, it is reported had over 2000 enemas during his career.

During the early 20th century the use of colon hydrotherapy slowly dwindled among the medical community as laxatives and other drugs became more commercially available.

Colonics saw a resurgence when people started looking for more natural methods of cleansing the colon with the interest in alternative medicine and natural health remedies.

A range of Benefits

The primary benefit is that the colon is cleansed of impacted and putrefied faecal matter. In some cases, the sluggish impacted matter can weigh between 2 to 5 kilos, sometimes more. It can also remove gas, undigested foods, mucous and intestinal parasites. 

Following a course of colonics, the benefits can often be observed throughout the body in the form of clearer skin, more energy and mental clarity, fewer headaches, improvement in circulatory and immune systems to name but a few.

  • Improved Metabolic Function
  • Regular Bowel Movements
  • Mental Clarity
  • Strengthened Colon Muscle
  • Clearer Skin
  • Restored pH levels
  • Better Quality Sleep
  • Renewed Energy
  •  Overall Health Boost
  • Reduced reabsorption of toxins


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Health Benefits Of Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy can help you get rid of those last few kilos you can’t seem to lose through exercise or dieting. By removing accumulated putrefied waste and re-toning the bowel, colon hydrotherapy improves the function of the colon and prevents the body from reabsorbing toxins during the cleansing and detoxification. Some of the benefits may include:
• Reduced weight
• Improved Metabolic Function
• Regular Bowel Movements
• Strengthened Colon Muscle
• Restored pH levels
• Mental Alertness
• Better Quality Sleep
• Clearer Complexion
• Improved Immune System
• Renewed Energy
• Overall Health Boost
• Reduced reabsorption of toxins
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Many conditions benefit

Research dating back to the 1930’s states that Colon Hydrotherapy is an essential treatment used to assist a wide variety of different conditions such as;
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
• Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema
• Arthritis
• Premenstrual syndrome
• Painful menstruation
• Back pain
• Bad breath
• Colds/flu
• Fatigue Headaches
• Sinus Problems
• Depression
• Allergies
• Intestinal parasites


The state of the health of the individual is equivalent to the state of the health of the colon.

Woody Harrelson

The famous actress has a complete blog-post about Colon Hydrotherapy on her blog, Goop. She talked to an expert who not only gave detailed information about the process but explained that the method is also good for gut health and clarified that though it is an excellent option for detoxification, consulting with a gastroenterologist or other professional is key before starting the treatment. Additionally, frequency should also be personalized.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Advocates of Colon Hydrotherapy

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