Zen Chi Machine
Unique, Gentle and Peaceful

3 Little Known Facts About The Zen Chi Machine…
Multiple Health Benefits As well as peaceful relaxation, the Zen Chi Machine offers these additional health benefits…
• Weight loss
• Lymphatic massage
• Spinal alignment
• Reduction of nerve pain and muscle fatigue
• Increased circulation
• Fine-tuning of the autonomic nervous system
Simple To Use
Just put your feet into the footrest, set the timer and relax! The Zen Chi Machine will do the rest!
Check out the recommended position on the Zen Chi Machine, lie down and let the machine gently move, realign and massage your spine.
Clinically Proven Weight Loss
Clinical trials conducted by Professor Neil Piller of Flinders University found the Zen Chi Machine benefited people with no existing medical problems…
• A reduction in weight of an average 0.6kgs in only 3 weeks. This is a significant amount of weight loss for only one exercise technique over the specific time period
• A reduction in percentage body fat
• A reduction in fluids to the limb

Schedule in some “me” relaxation with the Zen Chi Machine
→ In your lunch break
→ Before a busy day at work or
→ Before your next appointment
You’ll feel balanced, refreshed and enjoy clinically-proven weight loss.
Book Your Next Appointment Here
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